Mission Statement

We aim to represent the scope of human diversity, foster respect for the differences among us and build on the common ground beneath us. Our goals are to:
  • Encourage and maintain a high level of balanced dialogue,
  • Strive for truth,
  • Promote common courtesy,
  • Learn about each other in order to discover other viewpoints,
  • Investigate political and social issues from all perspectives,
  • Collectively develop new ways of thinking, and
  • Open pathways for community action.

March 22, 2006

Links on Abramoff

Wow! I'm actually going to blog something substantive other than meeting notes - it feels good to blog, I guess. Anyway, I thought it would be of interest for everyone to see Abramoff's galaxy the Washington Post put out (also check out the Abramoff orchesta as I call it), and check out the Columbia Journalism Review's Who Owns What of media corporations. Both seem particularly relevant in light of our last discussion.

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